My Family's Legacy

My mother thought that you came over to visit her just so you could have a glass of water or get something or other from her (anything besides just to visit her).

She was always so bitter when I would try to get close to her. She acted very much like I've acted in the past. Holding onto old hurts. Wanting someone to see her pain and apologize for hurting her. (Of course, I thought she just didn't like me.)

When you think that you're unworthy, you can't trust anyone's motives. They couldn't possibly actually like you or your company. They must have an ulterior motive.

Certain ways of being tend to engender similar ways in others, especially children.

Is that my family's legacy (or, as Susan would call it, generational curse)? Unworthiness? Bitterness?

Anxiety and depression are surely part of the legacy!