I am a Witch.

I identified with the word Witch long before I found there were others.

It had nothing to do with magic.

It had more to do with the fact that I am a heretic and female.

And it just plain felt right.

When I first found out there were others, I was so excited.

As I got to know them, I was mostly disappointed.

Why am I a Witch?  Because I am.

It's not a religion I belong to.  It's my deep down secret identity.

It's my heart.

Witch stands for everything organized religion isn't, including reality-based instead of transcendence-based.

Witch means living in this world.  Witch means experiencing the divine immanent in physical reality.

Witch means valuing life instead of denigrating it.

Witch means thinking for yourself and testing and weighing every idea with your heart to find its truth.