Sept. 19, 2006 - Tuesday Morning

King of Swords

The King of Swords sits on a throne made of horn and antlers. He holds the scales of judgment and a sword. He is linked to the element of Air.

Experienced, commanding, fiery; he sits in judgment. He will seek power in order to see his ideas put into practice. Tending to see too many aspects of a plan, he sometimes is unable to stick with it.

Reverse Meaning: One who can pursue a plan to ruim, cruel, sadistic; capable of evil to achieve goals; brings chaos in his wake.

Sounds a lot like my 'thinking/judging self'.

My first reaction is to think of how this sort of behavior/way of thinking causes problems for me. But, when I reread the description, I notice all the good. These are strong, positive characteristics. They just need to stay under control.