Which Blog for Diary? Posted on August 9, 2010 by teresa So frustrated with this diary thing. I like the way Blogger handles things best (Display in ‘Edit Posts’ and Archive list). Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment | Edit Posted on August 9, 2010 by teresa I can’t seem to feel at home. I have no desire to settle in here. It feels too temporary. But, even if I knew for sure that I would be able to stay until the end of the lease (5 more months), I still wouldn’t feel like really settling in. The books are the big thing that weighs me down. I don’t see the point of getting all my books out until I’m somewhere that I know I’ll be staying for a few years, at least. I wish I still had crates. They stack so well. That way I could keep enough boxes/crates to pack my books in and just put the overflow (once I’ve arranged the crates like bookshelves) onto the real bookshelves. I could use boxes instead. They just don’t stack so well. I don’t know. I just can’t think about it right now. How many books do I still have? Let’s see. At Sean’s house I had: 4 bookshelves, paperbacks under the bed, 2 or 3 boxes in the closet, and several stacks in the closet. So, ignoring paperbacks, all the books would probably fit into 5 bookshelves. Maybe a little more, possibly. That’s not really so bad. Maybe I’ll wait until all my books are down here and I have someplace semi-permanent to live (a new lease). Then I could spread all my books into stacks to organize them. I need to separate the ones that I’m willing to keep in boxes on a regular basis, maybe. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment | Edit “Altars” for Inspiration Posted on August 7, 2010 by teresa Need an “altar” for reminders: - To accept God’s love & not feel alone - To have fun - To SEE people & learn to enjoy them (esp. interviews) - To not expect some goody goody reality, to live in the real, ugly, beautiful world Doesn’t need to be an actual altar. Actually better to be somewhere that I see all the time, not hidden away in some cubby. Altar Pictures on wall Chaos-Dancer.com Pocket altar Posted in Thoughts | Leave a comment | Edit The Mad – A Zombie Movie? Posted on August 7, 2010 by teresa Starring Billy Zane and Maggie Castle. I love this movie. It’s very low-key. With gentle, easy sarcasm. See, I don’t really like horror movies, and comedies mostly bore me. But, this movie is so pleasantly funny. I saw another horror comedy recently that was kind of cute. “Killer House” maybe? I’m not sure of the name since I can’t find that name on IMDB. It was cute. But, the comedy was a little too much. But, still it was cute. “The Mad” is just the right level of humor for me. Very low-key and lightly sarcastic. Posted in TV | Leave a comment | Edit Joyce, Good, Evil, and How To Posted on August 6, 2010 by teresa Watching Joyce. It’s been a long time. Talking about what you do with whatever abuse or trauma you’ve endured. Talking about: - Learning to ACCEPT God’s love - Making use of the trauma to help others I may not be a Christian or even believe in God (in the “normal” way anyway). But, I do know from my own experience that we are each loved beyond our wildest dreams. I don’t pretend to understand it (since I don’t believe in anything personal enough to relate it to). But, I KNOW that it’s true. The problem is: To find a way to keep that awareness, to not just know it but to FEEL it. Another thought: To focus not on having good intentions or on how much success we’re having with whatever we’re working towards, but to focus on just going in the right direction. Take some small steps whenever possible, just enough to ensure that you’re going in the right direction. I can’t believe in the God that I was taught to believe in. But, I do believe in some sort of god. I guess I see it more like an energy. All things exist everywhere and in all things. Both “good” and “evil”, love and hate, joy and sorrow, etc. But, that love, joy, goodness, etc. does exist. It seems to be mostly a matter of aligning your energy with that energy instead of the more negative energies. The negative energies are like an addiction that sucks you down, that consumes you. Posted in Thoughts | Leave a comment | Edit Greg’s Foot &, Interview, Carseats Posted on July 28, 2010 by teresa It’s 9 am. Greg just called while he was on the way to the pharmacy after seeing his doctor. He’s annoyed that his doctor will not give him the right quantity of the antifungal prescription. Last time he had gone to the emergency room to get it. He should have saved the empty bottle to show the doctor! Went to The Restaurant Repair Company yesterday for an interview. The owner, Ted Baker, had to leave for an emergency. In the meantime, I was interviewed by the 2 women I will be working with (assuming I get the job), Vanessa and . . . oops, I don’t remember her name. They seemed to like me, I think. Ted’s supposed to call me this morning for an interview, maybe over the phone, maybe have to go over to meet him. We’ll see. Visited Grandmama yesterday after the interview at The Restaurant Repair Company. She has carseats! Only thing is that one of them is somewhere up in the top of the garage. So, I left the one there to pick up once we get the other one down. Then I can clean them both (very dusty) and put them in my car. Greg just called from the pharmacy. They don’t have Aircast. They do have walking casts; but, they don’t have the right type of bottoms. They would have to be modified in exactly the same way his boots would have to be modified to make them work. He’s on the way to The Medical Specialty Shop to check out the Aircast walking braces to see if they might help more with his broken foot. If so, he’ll have to call or go back to his doctor for a prescription. Getting nervous. Ted should be calling soon. I’ve had an hour or so to wake up. I have my dentures in so I can speak more clearly. So, I’m about as ready as I’ll ever be. If he wants to meet me in person, I’ll have to jump in the shower and throw some clothes on. I’ve decided, for now anyway, to use this blog as a diary. It’s only for private stuff anyway. Posted in Family, What's Up | Leave a comment | Edit Hello world! Posted on July 28, 2010 by teresa Just imported my LiveJournal blog to WordPress. This is wonderful! I should have done this a long time ago! Posted in What's Up | Leave a comment | Edit We Live to Die Posted on July 24, 2010 by teresa We have this limited time, waiting for death. Why not do something with it? What would I like to do with the time I have to blow? Posted in Thoughts | Leave a comment | Edit Start Fresh Posted on July 16, 2010 by teresa I’m feeling a need to start fresh. To let go of old things. All my stuff is weighing me down. If I were to just work a job and work on my websites, I wouldn’t have time for anything else. What about school? What about a social life? What about the hundreds of books I have? When will I ever have time to read them? I used to do a lot of reading – before I got on the internet. Posted in Feelings | Leave a comment | Edit Some People Think They Know More Posted on July 14, 2010 by teresa Why is it that some people think that it’s their duty to tell the world the right way to think? Posted in Thoughts | Leave a comment | Edit